#Social Behavior# ^w^ Sharks are often though of as solitary creatures, but many species are quite social. Scalloped Hammerheads exhibit schooling behavior, which is probably a kind of social behavior like the refuging of lions during the day. ^w^ Blue Sharks, Threshers, Sand Tigers, Grey Reef Sharks and several other species appear to hunt in packs and have been observed in cooperative feeding situations. ^w^ In the few species studied, sharks seem to have a social hierarchy common with many animals. Small sharks tend to give way to larger sharks and in some cases, males seem to dominate females. ^w^ Sharks of different species look a lot alike to us, but somehow they recognize one another. Their distinctive markings may contribute to recognition among species. ^w^ Mating is an obviously social activity, but we know very little about the signals that allow like species to find one another or trigger courtship. There is suspicion that the female lays down a trail of chemicals called `pheromones` to attract a male.